Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012

Film Jennifer Lawrence Tahun Depan

karena lagi demen Film The Hunger Game jadi mau ngupdate nih tentang masa depan para castnya. Jennifer Lawrence sendiri udah terkenal pas maen di film X-Man- First Class. Sebelumnya kebanyakan main di TV Series N pas maen di Hunger Games malah makin terkenal di IMDb aja jadi peringkat 4 artis top. Dibawah ne beberapa film yang akan dibintangin sama Jennifer untuk 2 tahun kedepan.

--- Serena (2013)
sinopsis : In Depression-era North Carolina, the future of George Pemberton's timber empire becomes complicated when it is learned that his wife, Serena, cannot bear children.
 Jenis Filmnya: Drama
Peran : Serena Pamberton

info lengkapnya di IMDb

--- The Hunger Games : Catching Fire (22 November 2013)

The continuing adventures of Katniss Everdeen, which take place in a futuristic dystopian world, as she prepares for the Quarter Quell.

perannya masih sama yang sebelumnya,,, :)
info lebih lanjut IMDb

--- X-Men : Days of Future Past (18 Juli 2014)
The X-Men must travel in time to change a major historical event that could globally impact on man and mutant kind.



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